Thursday 21 February 2013

Photo of the day.

Lately i can honestly say nothing has been going right for me! You know when all of these big things happen and they keep going wrong, and you just have a humongous meltdown and doubt yourself... that is the definition of me right now. University is a massive stress and i've only gone and failed my driving test for the second time... all these things all happened in the space of 3 days. Thanks a bunch.
But it's times like these when you really realise how important family is, and i also found my boyfriend has been an absolute saint (as he always is). Called him up yesterday  having a crappy day so later on over he comes with films and a big chocolate fudge cake. How sweet is he. And the one thing he said and also my parents said is, yeah i'm having some bad luck, like REALLY bad luck, but things will work out and i will figure out what i'm going to do and how i am going to go about dealing with these situations, because i know i can do it. And so that has lightened my mood and got me feeling even more determined to sort those things out, and hopefully anyone who's feeling a bit stressed at the moment, just have a cuddle or a cry and just let that stress out, and then bring your head up high again and think I CAN DO THIS.



  1. I feel exactly the same! Now hoping my boyf does the same to cheer me up..!
    Hope you start feeling better soon :)

    B x

    I'd love it if you took a look at my blog: Rebecca Ruby - A lifestyle blog

    1. I hope your boyfriend does too! Thankyou very much, right back at you :) and of course I will..



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